Here is the list of common file field attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
name | CDATA | Name of the field |
value | CDATA | Stores the value of the field when set, or used to set the default value |
disabled | (disabled) | Will display the file field as disabled |
readonly | (readonly) | User cannot set the file field, will only display the preset value |
size | CDATA | Length of the file field visible on the web form/page |
maxlength | NUMBER | Max chars allowed for file fields |
alt | CDATA | short description |
tabindex | NUMBER | position in tabbing order |
accept | ContentTypes | List of MIME types for file upload |
Before we start testing file fields, here are some of the common example of how file fields are used:
Simplest form of the file field is
<input type ='file' value='some value'/>
Here are various examples of the file field that will be used in this tutorial to explain how Watir can access and set the file field on web page using various file field properties/attributes
<input type='file' name='file1' value='uploadtest.html' class='file_class'/>
<input type ='file' id='file2' value='uploadtest.html'/>
<input type ='file' name='disabled' value='uploadtest.html' disabled='disabled'/>
<input type="file" name="datafile" size="40"/>
<input type="file" ... style="color:#fff; background:#030"/>
<input type='file' name='readonly' value='uploadtest.html' readonly='readonly'/>
<input type='file' name='file3' value="" class='file_class'/>
<input type=file name=photo size=20 accept="image/*"/>
File fields can appear with the forms or outside the form.
Here is the sample of file field within the form
<form name='testform' method='get' action='test.html'>
<input type='file' name='file3' value='uploadtest.html'/>
<input name="upload" type="submit" value="upload"/>
You can also access file fields using :beforeText and :afterText attributes, where file field appears before/after certain targeted text.
<input type='file' name='beforetest' value='uploadtest.html'/>This Text After
This Text Before<input type='file' name='aftertest' value='uploadtest.html'/>
Accessing file field using file field id
<input type ='file' id='file_field_id' value='uploadtest.html'/>
browser.file_field(:id, "file_field_id").exists?
Accessing file field using file field id with regular expression
browser.file_field(:id, /_id/).exists?
Accessing file field using file field name
<input type='file' name='file field_name' value='uploadtest.html' class='file_class'/>
browser.file_field(:name, "test1").exists?
browser.file field(:name, "file field_name").exists?
Accessing file field using file field name and regular expression
browser.file field(:name, /_name/).exists?
Accessing file field using file field index
browser.file field(:index, 1).exists?
Querying file field properties
browser.file_field(:index, 1).value
browser.file_field(:index, 1).name
browser.file_field(:index, 1).id
browser.file_field(:index, 1).disabled
browser.file_field(:index, 1).type
browser.file_field(:index, 1).class_name
Get all file fields in the browser
Get number of file fields in the page
File field iterator
index = 1
browser.file fields.each do |file_field|
assert_equal(browser.file_field(:index, index).id, )
assert_equal(browser.file_field(:index, index).name, )
Accessing file fields in forms
browser.form(:id, "test_form_id").file_field(:id, "test1").exists?
browser.form(:name, "test_form_id").file_field(:index, 1).exists?
Accessing file fields in frames
browser.frame(:id, "Frame").file_field(:id, "test1").exists?
browser.frame(:id, "Frame").file_field(:index, 1).exists?
Iterating thru file fields in frames
count =0
browser.frame(:id, "Frame").file_fields.each do |ff|
browser.file_fields.each { |f| puts f.to_s }
Goto the nth file field on the page
Print the details of the file field.
browser.file_fields(:index, n).to_s
This will list type, id, name, value and whether the file field is disabled.
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